Rush had a couple of quote-worthy remarks yesterday. Here is the first:
"We ask the question: 'Has the citizenry finally devolved to the point that they would rather not work and be taken care of?' That's what it boils down to. That's the overriding question that we ask, in fear, every time we start thinking about this next election. And Obama has clearly rolled the dice and said, 'Yeah. There's more people that want to sit around and be taken care of by me than there are people who want to assume responsibility for themselves.' That's what he's banking on."
And Rush's second statement: "I don't think we've lost the country. I think we're close, but I don't think we've lost it."
The election this year will detemine whether Rush is right or not.
"Gay Activists Invited to WH 'Flip Off' Reagan." Last Friday, Obama held the first-ever queer pride reception at the White House. Some of the queers made a beeline to the portrait of Ronald Reagan and gave him their middle finger. Classy. But, obviously, people who wallow in a cesspool and keep their noses up somebody else's rear wouldn't know excellence when they see it. Don't forget, though; it's "progressive."
And here is some more information that portrays the current Democratic Party. A few weeks ago, some kindergarten students were banned from singing Lee Greenwood's song, "God Bless the USA" at a graduation ceremony. The principal (a black woman) was afraid that other cultures might be "offended." Well, enough of the children's parents were offended by her blatant anti-Americanism that, a few days later, some of the children were taken to a nearby playground where they sang the song together. And were actually heckled by some adults.
One of the protesters said, "The kids don’t even know what they’re singing. They got something you tell them to say. It’s ridiculous. It’s sad, sad, sad. You all are going to burn in hell. You all burn in hell. Shame on you. Shame on you." Another adult said--now notice this--"You Republicans go to a Republican area and do that. We don't want that here. Go to a Republican area." Ah. Singing a patriotic song is a "Republican" thing. Yes, it is....
The "leadership" of the Democratic Party would, of course, deny that their party is "unpatriotic," but after years and years and years and years and years of bashing the United States, of telling people how unfair America has been, of criticizing and blasting the history of the country and its role in world affairs, how can anybody be stunned when the rank-and-file despise the country? And make no mistake about it--there are many, many people in the United States who hate America. All they have heard, all their lives, from people they respect and trust, is how bad America is, how wicked, immoral, racist, exploitative, and unfair the United States has been in its history (and at present); how could they NOT abhor it? They hate the rich because they've been told--by Democrats, academia, and the media, the "progressives"--that all the economic evils in the country are because the rich have exploited the poor, robbing, cheating, and swindling them. And so--back to paragraph one and Rush's statements--there are people who don't want to work in the first place, who don't want to assume responsibility for their own lives, and who Obama and the Democrats are happy to cater to by telling them they have a RIGHT to live off others because those others stole from them in the first place. Obama's recent immigration announcement, in effect allowing hundreds of thousands of people to break the law with no consequences, was nothing more than a politcal play to get votes. Barack Obama cares nothing, absolutely nothinig, for the United States; he's probably to be numbered among those who hate the country. Regardless of that, he is obsessed only with himself, only about his own re-election, and he is doing everything he can to build a coalition that will win him a second term. He has given up on the white working class, on decent, hard-working, mainstream America, the people who built the country and who made it the greatest nation in the world. He knows he isn't going to get many votes from them. So he's reaching out to every fringe group he can find--blacks, illegals, queers, potheads, Hollywood, welfare bums, left-wing environmental kooks--in hopes he can put together a big enough group to give him an electoral victory in November.
And he's liable to do it.
And if he does, Rush, the country will be lost for good. There will be no coming back. Well, given the way the demographics of the country are going--and who controls the education system--it's only a matter of time anyway.
You've got to give the Democratic Party credit, though--they know how to win. They don't care if they destroy America in the process, but they do know how to win, gain, and keep political power. And, believe me, to the liberals, political power is what it is all about. Those fringe groups are people that they can control. And that's what they want. That's all they want.
I have never been a proponent of democracy and, as I have noted on this blog before, neither were the men who founded America. I won't go into the reasons here; I've done that before. But I will present to you now another--perhaps the most powerful--argument against democracy. I can do it in two words: Nancy Pelosi. That any human being, as stupid, ridiculous, and witless as she is, could be elected to the House of Representatives is certainly one of the most damning indictments of any political system. And then....and then...the rest of the democratically-elected Democratic Party made her the Speaker of the House of Representatives--two heart-beats away from being President of the United States!!! That is a frightening thought, a scenario too horrifying to contemplate, a nightmare beyond even the most foreboding terrors of the ghoulish mind of a depressed, demonic Poe....
Nancy Pelosi. I rest my case against democracy. An utterly unanswerable argument.
Oh. What's the best form of government, you ask? An aristocracy of virtue and merit. The people who rule must prove themselves worthy of it by their character.
Let Jeremiah search Washington, D.C. with candles to see if he can find one such person...