Current Events Ramblings, February 21

Rush makes a great point about Planned Parenthood: "Planned Parenthood makes its money, and a lot of it, performing abortions -- and what do they need for that to happen?  They need premarital sex. They need unwanted pregnancies.  Planned Parenthood lives off of unwanted pregnancies.  Now, you may be offended, but I'm telling you: As a matter of fact, it is unarguable.  They would be out of business if there were no unwanted pregnancies -- and the more of them the better, as far as Planned Parenthood's concerned."  He’s exactly right.  Planned Parenthood wants as much fornication, adultery—pre- and extra-marital sex—as possible so they can get more government money advising women to murder their unborn children. Only the ACLU rivals Planned Parenthood in its utterly unChristian values.  Of course, an awful lot of modern liberalism is about sex, anyway.  Virtually unrestrained sex, hatred of Christianity because of its restrictions, and abortions and welfare to satiate the consequences.  Most of which is paid for by hard-working, honest Americans who play by the rules and are faithful in their marriage vows.  Liberals have absolutely no conscience.

Have you noticed how the media and establishment Republicans have ratcheted up their attacks lately on Rick Santorum? They are really after him now. Romney must be the nominee. And I’m holding to my prediction that he will be. The savaging of Mitt Romney by the "mainstream media" will come after he gets the nomination, not before. Right now, their mission is to destroy Rick Santorum. Their attacks are beginning to have an effect, too.  He's been leading in the Michigan primary polls, but Romney is catching up and will likely win.

Michelle Obama is currently on her 16th vacation in three years. One month after her Hawaiian vacation, she is skiing in Aspen, Colorado. All at taxpayer expense, of course. The Obamas need a permanent vacation. Let’s hope the American people give them one.

Gas prices are $4.93 in Los Angeles.  But Michelle is on her 16th conscience...