Game 3 of the World Series is going on as I write this. At the moment, the Rangers are trailing 8-6 in the 5th inning. They are starting to hit, but they can't get anybody out. Sounds like the Rangers of old. They ought to be able to beat the Cardinals, but their pitching has been terrible in the playoffs and you win championships with pitching. I'm not terribly optimistic. I'm reminded of the Buffalo Bills, who lost four straight Super Bowls in the early 1990s. Losing becomes a psychological mindset; something bad happens and you start thinking, "uh, oh, here we go again. What's going to happen next?" It's impossible for humans not to think that. I hope that doesn't happen to the Rangers. We'll see.
To show the incredible dominance of the liberal mindset in America, Herman Cain was forced to apologize for a suggestion he had about putting an electric fence all along the border with Mexico. It's a brilliant idea, of course, and I've thought, for a long time, that such a fence was needed--about 12 feet high, with enough electricity in it, not to kill somebody, but to give them a pretty good mule-kick. Put flashing red neon lights announcing the danger, plus loud speakers. And then, station sufficient numbers of troops behind it just in case some people manage to get over (or under) it. I think Cain's idea was to put enough voltage in the fence to kill, but that's not necessary--just to enough to keep people from climbing it. The media went ballistic, of course, but then liberals want as many illegals in the country as possible, and then give them amnesty so they'll vote Democratic. Cain had to crawfish, which I was sad to see. Is there anybody left in America who has any guts at all?
My guess is that there is a 90% probability that Romney will get the Republican nomination and a better-than-even chance that Obama will be re-elected. There are too many people dependent upon government now, and a sizable number above that who will vote liberal on social issues because of their hatred of Christianity. The United States is almost to point of no return and the election of 2012 will go a long way in determining how much time there is left before that point is reached--if it hasn't already.
Warren Buffet was interviewed on CNBC recently (I think it was recently, I don't have the date) and came up with a decent idea, though not quite good enough. He said he could end the deficit in five minutes. "You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election." The only thing askew about that is the "deficit of more than 3% of GDP." That should read any time there is any deficit, period. Congress should balance the budget, just like families have to do. The only caveat to a Congressional balanced budget would be if Congress declared war on a country (like the Constitution requires) and money needed to be borrowed to pay for that. Of course, there are plenty of good ideas out there to solve the country's problems, but very few of them, if any, are going to pass Congress. Big government is the problem in America (big government is a problem, 100% of the time, in human history). Problems are solved by human ingenuity, not by government, but human ingenuity can only be successful if allowed to create, innovate, and improvise--i.e., freedom--and such is the very antithesis of government. "Greedy corporations" are not destroying the United States, except insomuch as they buy politiciains. Huge corporations are actually a boon to any country because, via mass production, they provide goods and services at prices people want (they wouldn't be in business otherwise) and they employ countless millions of people (and pay them well enough so that those people have the money to purchase the goods and services offered by those corporations, and others). It was Calvin Coolidge who said that business should stay in New York and government in Washington, and he was right. Unfortunately, that's not what happens, but it's Washington that has the power to make laws and set the moral tone for the country with virtuous, industrious, frugal leadership. A businessman cannot buy an honest politician. Tragically, those last two words have virtually become an oxymoron.
World Series update. The Rangers are now trailing 11-6 in the 6th inning after Albert Pujols just hit a 3-run homerun. Why they even throw the ball within five feet of home plate when that man is at bat with runners on base, I'll never know. The Rangers did, and they paid the price. I'm going to stop now before the score gets any worse.