I'm still on schedule to fly out of here on July 31 for Dalian, China. There's a lot left to do, and I'm taking most of this week off to get it done. The work visa is the biggest headache; I've got to go to Seoul this week, at least once, maybe twice, to get that taken care of. I'll have a few boxes to mail, and then final packing to do. I don't have just a whole lot of stuff, so I trust that won't be much of a pain. An airport shuttle will conveniently pick me up here at English Village early July 31, and then the university people are going to meet me in Dalian when I arrive there. It's only an hour flight from Seoul to Dalian. They have an apartment for me in Dalian, so in a couple of weeks, I'll be sleeping in a new bed, Lord willing.
As I've said before, I'm ready to leave Korea. Getting back to teaching university students will be a plus. There are some good folks here who've been a big help and I'll remember them always. But it's time to move on.