Current Event Ramblings, June 14

Rush made a great point yesterday on his program in response to a caller who brought the subject up.  One of the reasons why the welfare state doesn't work is the government simply is not a father or husband and cannot replace him in a family.  Money cannot raise children; a "village" cannot raise children; and a "social worker" certainly can't do it.  Only a father and mother can properly do so.  That was God's plan from the beginning and it cannot be improved upon.  But, as noted many times on this blog, one of liberalism's main goals is to destroy the family in order to create dependence upon the state, which means control by a liberal elite that does not believe in God.  But, as is obvious, especially among the black community, their plan is failing, it always has failed, and it always will fail because it is simply not the way God intended things to be.

Obama recently made the statement that an economy will frequently hit "bumps in the road."  Mitt Romney responded with a brilliant commercial where he had several people holding up the classic "I want a job" signs, and saying, "I'm an American, I'm not a bump in the road."  Nice ad.  Romney has, for the moment, become the media favorite for the Republican nomination because of the Massachusetts health care system (much state involvement) and his statement that he believes in man-made global warming.  Whether he stays the media darling or not will depend, of course, upon his future actions and policy announcements.  He no doubt did not help himself with his "bump in the road" commercial.

The "mainstream" (i.e., liberal) media is doing everything it possibly can to destroy Sarah Palin.  I really can't understand why.  If she's such an idiot and a dunce like they say she is, why bother?  But they're working through 24,000 of her emails and found nothing which they can use against her.  They are heartbroken, I assure you.  I wonder when they are going to go through 24,000 of Obama's emails.  I'm not holding my breath.  How can anybody, anybody, claim that the "mainstream" media is "fair and balanced"?  Sarah would make a good President, not because of her intelligence level, but because she has a good character and believes most of the right things.  She hasn't decided to run yet, though.

For you baseball fans, major league baseball is talking about realignment, which should have happened long ago (should never have been necessary in the first place).  There are 16 teams in the National League and only 14 in the American.  There are 6 teams in the NL Central and only 4 in the AL West.  That means a team in the NL Central has to beat 5 other teams to make the playoffs while a team in the AL West only has to top 3 others.  The wildcard is also easier to win in the AL because there are fewer teams in competition.  So there is talk about moving the Astros to the AL West to make 15 teams in both leagues and 5 in every division.  I don't want the Astros to go the AL because I can't stand the designated hitter.  Milwaukee was in the AL once, move them back.  Also, get rid of interleague play; either that, or make it more equitable.  This season, the Brewers have to play the Yankees and the Red Sox, the Reds play only the Yankees, and the Cardinals play neither.  If St. Louis wins the division by one game over the Brewers or Reds, it will be totally unfair.  I don't buy the argument "let fans in the other league see players from the opposite."  Most fans don't go to the ballpark anyway, and if they want to see Ichiro or Derek Jeter, they can watch them on TV.  Get rid of interleague play and balance the schedule like it used to be.  I am in favor of two 15 team leagues, though.