It's a sizzling 1 degree Fahrenheit in Seoul at the moment (8:20 AM), and Paju is in the mountains north of Seoul, so it's probably below zero here. It's sunny, though, so it might get up to 15 today. I'm sure glad there's global warming or it would be minus 50. I'm sure the South and Northeast in the United States are offering up prayers of gratitude at the moment for global warming as well.
I posted an article on Isaiah 6 yesterday and I'm going to try to do more Bible writing in the near future. Working from 9-6, and then being tired and depressed much of the rest of the time has cut into my writing much more than I desire. But the Bible writing is, far and away, the most important and I must put that first. If that fruitcake who shot up Arizona the other day had been a New Testament Christian, it never would have happened. In fact, NO crimes would happen if everyone would faithfully follow the teachings of Jesus. I shake my head at liberals who think that more government is "progressive." More government is the very antithesis of "progress" because it means people aren't controlling themselves and need the heavy hand of law (government) to do it for them. True progress will come when people return to virtue, righteousness, and the eternal principles laid down by God in the Christian religion. It's the only way progress will take place, and I need to do more of my part in that by doing more Bible writing. Hence, that's my immediate plan which, Lord willing, I'll do the best I can to fulfill.
Incidentally, if "con" is the opposite of "pro," does that mean that "Congress" is the opposite of "progress"?
I'm also going to continue to write western novels. The reader might have noticed, under the "Links" in the right hand column, a reference and link to a website called "Free Online Books." The lady who runs that site linked my five stories and I've had quite of few people go and read them (I have my sites metered so I know where the "hits" are coming from). And it's extremely interesting to see who--where--the readers are from. While most of them are from the United States, I've had hits from India, Australia, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Canada, Nigeria, Tanzania, and a host of other places. I've had people spend up to 7 hours reading one of my stories. Frankly, that makes me feel good that folks find my stuff worthy of reading. I'm no Louis L'amour and I never will be; I don't have that kind of creative imagination or time to do proper research. But it's still nice to know that a number of people are enjoying what I'm writing. So I'm going to do that, too. Hopefully, some of those people will be directed to my Bible sites and I can aid in that way, too.